The knowledge, talent and technology to create

Posted on 12:25 PM by Badshah


With best-in-class technology and a multidisciplinary team, Windgate Energy
is a single resource for proven wind, solar, and fuel cell solutions. We offer
the area’s widest range of resources and capabilities, including design, engineering,
installation and service.. While our team has earned a number of awards, our real success is
measured in the results we achieve for our customers and in the long-standing relationships we
develop with them

MULTI-FACETED EXPERTISEAt Windgate Energy, we know that the best solutions often arise from a variety of ideas coming together. So, we’ve developed expertise in a broad spectrum of design, engineering
and service disciplines and technologies. Our team uses their accumulated experience to explore every option. Then they select the smartest approach and develop a clearly defined plan of action one designed for the results you want and with an underlying sense of cost

Turbine 1

solar roof The foundation of every successful Windgate project is built with solid information. We research
your project and learn about your strategic objectives. Then, we translate this knowledge into
clear-cut. project specific solution.Windgate Energy keeps on top of the latest technologies and
applications through rigorous training for all employeesWindgate Energy serves clients on a local, regional and international basis.

No one’s more on top of what’s new in Alternative Energy than Windgate Energy Plus, through in-depth training, we learn how to effectively deploy the latest technologies For optimal effectiveness. Windgate is not tied to a specific product or technology, instead we integrate and manufacture products and services to tailor-an open solution that help you realize your vision.

Fuel cell 2

A primary vision of many of Windgate Energies customers is Monthly Power Revenue! As example revenue streams from a 1,000 kW Windgate Wind Turbine, Solar System, or Renewable Fuel Cell we offer the following power revenue comparisons:

1. 1,000 kWH @ 8 cents per kWH = $80. per hr X 24 hrs = $1,920. per day X 30 days = $57,600. per month X 12 = $691,200. per Year!

2. 1,000 kWH @ 12 cents per kWH = $120. per hr X 24 hrs = $2,880. per day X 30 days = $86,400. per month X 12 =$1,036,800. Yearly!

3. 1,000 kWH @ 21 cents per kWH = $210. per hr X 24 hrs = $5,040. per day X 30 days = $151,200. per month X 12 =$1,814,400. Yearly !!!


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