Neodymium or Super Magnets

Posted on 10:51 AM by Badshah

Rare Earth Magnets

Neodymium magnets are ideal when extra strength is required and size is important.

Providing the highest energy products available in any permanent magnet material, they are extremely stable when exposed to stray electromagnetic fields generated by other permanent magnets.

Magnet Applications

Precise calibration is achievable for the most demanding applications. They are nickel plated and can be used in:
  • High performance motors
  • Magnetic separators
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Electronics
  • Therapy etc.

Categories of Magnets

Disc and Rod Magnets - Measured diameter x thickness, magnetised through the thickness and are anisotropic unless otherwise stated.

Ring Magnets - measured outer diameter x inner diameter x thickness and magnetised through the thickness.

Block Magnets - measured length x bredth x thickness and magnetised through the thickness.

Holding Magnets - capped and shallow pot neodymium magnets for extra grip.


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